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Heart transplantations

Our personality is also in our hearts.


Like many people I struggled with the question whether I would put my organs to someone’s disposal for transplantation. At that time I read a pre-publication of a new book, that just had been published in the U S A. The book adds a complete new element to the discussion, which is going on about the question Which is going on about the question as to when a person is brain-dead and what the interest will be of the surviving relatives..

The American psycho-neuro immunologist Paul Pearsall examined the lives of more then 70 people, who had a donor heart implanted. He did describe among other things the following incident.
Gerda lost her husband in a car accident. She put the organs of David to someone’s disposal for transplantation. A few years later, because of the investigation of Pearsall, she meets a Spanish speaking young man, who has received the heart of her deceased husband. Emotional because of this encounter she asked him to allow her to put her hand on his chest, and she said "I love you David, everything is copacetic.”
The mother of the Spanish young man looks a bit shocked. She said my son uses this word nowadays. He never used it before his transplantation. I don’t know the word; it does not exist in the Spanish language. But it was the first thing he said after the operation It seems that there is more changed inside of him. He used to be an intentional vegetarian, and very much conscious of his health. In the present day he wants to eat meat and greasy food. He loved heavy metal music but now he listens only to Rock and Roll from the fifties. Glenda gives the background information, that she and her husband always used the self-made word ‘copacetic’ to say that everything was OK. And also he loved to eat meat, and that he played in a Rock and Roll band


Does the heart have a memory? Does with the heart also a part of the personality of the donor go over to the receiver of the organ? Yes says Paul Pearsall in his book The Haert's Code (Broadway Books 1998). The book contents a new aspect to the current discussion about donor codicils. Pearsall gives several remarkable examples of memories of transplanted hearts.
A girl of eight years old receives a heart of a girl of ten years old, which has been murdered. The girl has to go into psychotherapy because of nightmares about the murderer. She says she knows the man. After several sessions the therapist decides to call on the police, and upon some directions of the girl is the murderer found. The man is accused because of the facts the girl came up with such as time weapon place clothing he was wearing, what the murdered girl had said to him ... everything she said was correct.
The book of Pearsall is based on 73 cases of heart-transplantations where, together with the transplantation, a part of the personality of the donor seemed to have gone with it. Pearsall suggests that the brain not the only center is of human intelligence, but also the heart is an intelligence core. He says that the body is build out of cells that carry information. Cells carry the information electric-magnetic on other cells over. That should be the reason that transplanted organs old'' information will 'send out'.


The theme of 'organs with memories' is also dealt with in the recent February-copy of the French Journal Psychologies. The journal set out the recent story of an eight-year old Jewish boy, who dies in a car-accident. His death saves the life of a three-year old Arabian girl with severe heart-dysfunction. When the girl Reem wakes up out of the anaesthetic after the operation she asks her mother for a Jewish candy of which they do not know the name.
The journal determines that experiences of personality-changes of people who had an organ-transplantation attacked the fundamentals of the medical science. Cells are matters in the medical science and a heart is a muscle, a pump. Psychologies quotes a medical doctor: "It is absolutely not proven, that with the transplantation of an organ also a memory is transplanted. Such an allegation is nearly unfounded fantasy, which only will have an effect that the amount of donors will drop and that will be very dangerous."
Doctors blame the possible changes in the personality to the heavy medication which patients have to use to prevent rejection. Besides applies on the most heart-patients that they feel strong and healthy - thus much different -, after many years of sickness.
But another well known phenomenon supports the theory that cells have a memorie. People who had a limb amputated, often keep 'feeling' of the limb.
There is undoubtedly more research necessary to declare the processes that lead to the described mysterious experiences. In the meanwhile it seems that we, as potential donors, stand for another question: Are we allowed to confront the eventual receiver of organs with the elements of our personality?

Juriaan Kamp is chief editor of "Ode", the journal that the possibilities of renewing and changing will explore.

Source: Haagsche Courant, April 9.1998 -Jurriaan Kamp

Comment: Above mentioned experiences affirm the Biblical view of the functioning of our heart. Our feelings and personality reside for sure also in our heart.

A new heart:

A healthy heart is great, but even more important is, that our heart spiritually will be changed. See therefore the Solution and the 4 Laws.

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